
How do you train regeneration based?

Increase build-up success? Everyone reaches their limits at some point. Many then turn to hormonally effective aids in frustration. However, if anabolic steroids are out of the question for you, then you should definitely take a closer look at your regeneration. Is regeneration really that important? In our shouty world, we are confronted countless times a day with claims that…

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experiences, know-how

Old School Bodybuilding vs. New Fitness Trends (part 1)

Available Technical Options Weight training, strength training, bodybuilding, powerlifting, Olympic lifting, general conditioning and sports training have been around for years. Whether old school bodybuilding or new fitness trends: It gets to be a little confusing of what to do, with the evolution of new equipment to use, development of train techniques, nutrition and new findings in recovery/regeneration of muscle…

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Abdominal Exercise Reality

Most everyone wants abdominal muscles they can see or show off, especially bodybuilders.  Guess what? We all have abdominal muscles but some of us have fat hiding them. It is true however, that toned ab muscles have a better chance of being noticed even when they have some fat covering them. This simply emphasizes the need for good exercise complimented…

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Regeneration-based build-up training as the solution?

Building muscle means increasing strength or muscle mass. In both cases, the training person is dependent on setting a build-up stimulus by means of hard training – and ideally at exactly the optimal time. Trying to do that for each muscle is what regeneration-based building training calls for. How to build muscles? Exercise – again and again and … Of…

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